Meditation Techniques...
Below are our articles on the subject of Meditation Techniques. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Active or Dynamic Meditation
An overview of Active and Dynamic Meditation...

Autogenic Training
A guide to autogenic training....

Basic Breathing Meditation
An outline of 'basic breathing meditation' methods....

Body Scan Meditation
An overview of the 'Body Scan Meditation' technique....

Considerations When Meditating With Children
An discussion of teaching meditation to Children....

Eating Meditations
Did you know that you can practise a very powerful form of meditation just through the process of eating?...

Human Anatomy from the Taoist Perspective
A description of Human Anatomy form the Taoist Perspective...

Instant Calming Sequence
An introduction to the Instant Calming Technique and its six steps towards taking realistic control of a stressful situation....

Instant Meditation for the Time Starved
An article on how one might benefit from the lessons of meditation without following a strict meditation regime, or without using spiritual terminology....

Journey Meditation
A discussion of the positive effects of Journey meditation with an example of the process given....

Love and Kindness Meditation
An overview of the practice and benefits of Lovingkindness meditation....

Master Han's Central Channel Meditation
A discussion of Master Han's 'Central Channel Meditation Technique'....

Meditating to Improve Creativity
A discussion of meditating to improve upon creativity....

Meditation and Creative Visualisation
An overview of meditation and Creative Visualization...

Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
A discussion of the taoist 'Microcosmic Orbit Meditation'....

Mindfulness (Vipassana)
A brief overview of 'Mindfulness' and 'Vipassana meditation'....

Object Meditation
A description of the 'Object Meditation' exercise...

Quiz: Are You Breathing Correctly During Meditation?
Some key points to check to make sure that you are breathing properly to achieve successful meditation....

T'ai Chi and Chi Kung
A discussion of T'ai Chi and Chi Kung...

Taoist Meditation Methods
An overview of Taosit Meditation...

The Benefits Of Reiki For Natural Healing
Reiki – what it is, how it works and how it can benefit people with healing and promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being....

The Dos & Don'ts of Meditation
A summary of the Dos and Don'ts of meditation....

Transcendental Meditation
A consideration of Transcendental Meditation....

Using Meditation To Gain The Instant Calming Sequence
An introduction to the Instant Calming Technique and its six steps towards taking realistic control of a stressful situation....

Walking Meditation
A discussion of the practice of 'Walking Meditation'....

What is Smudging?
A description of the 'smudging' ritual for spiritually 'cleansing' houses and people ....

An introduction to the Zen Buddhist practice of Za-Zen....