Perfect Place...
Below are our articles on the subject of Perfect Place. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Active or Dynamic Meditation
An overview of Active and Dynamic Meditation...
A discussion about visiting Ashrams as a means to follow a spiritual path....
Breathing Techniques
A brief overview of the importance of breathing naturally, in relation to the practice of meditation....
Eliminate the Stress
A discussion of how to eliminate stress in the long term, with reference to meditation....
Group Meditation
A discussion of the benefits of group meditation....
How Long Should I Meditate for?
A discussion of how long one should meditate for....
How Should You Sit Stretch?
A discussion of how to sit stretch....
Meditation in the Workplace
A discussion of the value of formal meditation and mindfulness in the workplace...
Meditation Music
An introduction to meditation inrelation to music....
Meditation Retreats
A discussion around meditation retreats....
Where do You Meditate?
A discussion of where best to meditate...