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Meditation and Sex

By: Mike Watson - Updated: 21 Mar 2013 | comments*Discuss
Meditation Sex Religion Prohibition

Sex and Meditation has been covered to some extent in ‘Sensual Meditation (see related article). However, perhaps more needs to be said in light of the fact that sex and spirituality seem somehow to express two completely differing urges whilst also somehow always seeming to reflect upon one another. Anyone who has practised any of the world religions will have noted the significance accorded to sex- a practice that all religions seems to claim is somehow superfluous to the practice of a spiritual life. Yet might we not claim that basketball or foreign travel (to choose two random references) are also elements not entirely essential to spiritual practice? Why then, if these practices are also superfluous to spiritual enlightenment or a unity with God, are they not singled out for special attention by Religious elders?

It seems that the answer may lay in the lure that sex has to distract people from what is perceived as a ‘duty’ to pray or meditate. Hence Priests, Nuns and Monks try to remain celibate, whilst lay-persons are advised to stay celibate unless they are married. Yet it must be noted that not all spiritual practices tend towards an outright prohibition or restriction of sexual practices. In actual fact, if you look beneath the surface if many religions sex practiced at its best is seen to be conducive to a meaningful healthy lifestyle.

Sex for a Healthy Lifestyle

Arguably a happy spiritual existence (and we might add here that we use the term ‘spiritual in the loosest sense to imply wellbeing, as well as in a ‘religious’ sense) is dependent on not striving too much after what one does not have, and on living as far as possible in the moment. Desire and greed are to be avoided and loyalty to those around you, as well as responsibility towards strangers are emphasised as good points by all major spiritual forms.

Applied to sex this might be read as suggesting that we should not crave too much after what we cannot have, that we should honour monogamous commitments where they are made, and that we should respect our partners, whomever they are, marital partners, long terms lovers or strangers.

Further, it is clear that sex may be best enjoyed if we are concentrated and focused (without ‘straining’) on the moment and not worried about the past future, or seeking refuge/excitement in fantasies that may cause guilt.

All these statements are simple enough and are conducive to leading a happy existence in conjunction with meditation. Those seeking to explore forms of meditation expressly related to sex may wish to start merely by clearing their head with their partner, breathing clearly, and (so long as your partner enjoys it) exploring each others body’s slowly. Massage may be a good way to start. From here, just do as you wish – too much planning will surely ruin the moment!

Looking to any religion that preaches much more restricted sexual practices to these, or cannot backup their monogamous stance with the obvious notion that sex may be best enjoyed between two trusting partners may hamper the enjoyment of sex as it can lead to guilt – one of the least sexy emotions that exists!

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